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Monday, December 19, 2011

Update to DMO and my new friends' digimon

Hey all hows it going?

I am pretty sure you all heard this but there some new digimon in the game
Agumon classic and my favorite Veemon.
Two of my friends have a veemon as well and we just had to get a few screenshots of them
check it out

Triple Veedramon

That's Veemon in his champion stage and I think its really cool
Also a new video is on youtube for (drum roll please) Agumon 5/5
Check it out..

I hope you enjoy the update
Oh and the next update after this will have some new digimon after it.
I will keep you all posted on the update.
Till next time

Monday, December 12, 2011

activities on DMO

hi all,

i got a new video out on youtube.
check it out
Dans training DMO gameplay

i hope you enjoy this video
oh the diginon in this video is one i just got
until next time cya

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Finally got a new digimon

Yeah I know it was due to the event but still I just love it when I get a new digimon added to my team

Check it out

The newest addition to the group, Jake!!!!
I know gotsumon isn't a very appealing digimon but hey I can't be picky now since I don't have any way to get a prepaid card so I can't get a cash item(for now lol). Anyway I will upload a video showing me hatching and later on raising him.
Until next time cya

Monday, December 5, 2011

Some screenshots i took

Hey all,

Today I took some screenshots that I thought was really cool

Geogreymon VS Greymon 1

Fred And Bob

Geogreymon VS greymon 2

I especially like the fred and bob one lol
 Oh and whoever is in the pic with me wants the pic taken off just let me know in either my youtube channel or on my blog
 Until next time cya 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

in the middle of thanksgiving event

Well i know this is a little late but there is a thanksgiving event going on and i was a little late to the party
take a look...

Only 4 coins so far and I guess it can't be helped. I only just got my computer up and running a little while ago. Well the good news is that it goes on till December 13th so I will have more than enough time for at least one reinforced mercenary egg and maybe something else as seen on this list

Well its only a matter of time till i get 20 coins
Till next time cya

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Here is the DMO video!!!

Here is the video that I made after so long of not having a good computer or one at all.


Back in action!!!

Hi all! I finally got a new computer and it runs DMO better than my last one. Anyway i am in the middle of uploading a new video for all of you who are new to DMO.
And here is a screenshot

Level Up!!!
I like how i got the screenshot just as my agumon leveled up.

Enjoy the video that i have on YouTube guys!!!

Till next time. C ya later

Saturday, November 5, 2011

birthday comming up and stuff thats been happening

hi all

today i want to share some good news=) and some bad news =(

the bad news is that my main comp that i play digimon masters on went up in flames. for those who want to know what happened my motherboard just went and burst in to flames when i turned on the computer. luckly enough none of my other parts were not damaged.

now for the good news: my birthday is comming up and i MIGHT get a laptop. when and if i do i will continue to do my best to bring some gameplay videos for all of you guys so just hang tight.

Friday, September 23, 2011

DMO set to be in OBT

Yeah now that's what I am talking about!! DMO is set to be in OBT on September 27 which is this Tuesday.
meaning no more data wipes. Well I for one am really excited for this because i can upload videos again and screen shots as well. Looking forward to seeing all of you on DMO!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Downtime in my DMO activities

Sorry if I haven't been posting on Blogger lately. I am waiting on DMO to officially be launched. however i will post some preCBT and CBT screenshots when i have the time. speaking of screenshots here is one from preCBT.. I hatched it from the event and its a 4/5 gabumon with ultimate slot open. I used 8 evolutors (also from the event) to open its mega slot. Unfortunately all my character data was wiped according to Joymax. And they are doing it again after the official CBT ends or so I heard.
until next time cya

Sunday, August 14, 2011

digitalic changes the way you need to log in and how that affects me(for the videos and pics)

Well with EDMO coming digitalic changed the way you log into the game. you need to update through the website then in the same site click the game start button. Well that was a headache for me cause i had a rotten time updating the game and trying to log in. so I hate to be the bearer of bad news but until EDMO comes out I wont be on very much on the blog or you tube.I heard rumors on the web that it will come out.on August 23 but I don't know if that's gonna be true or not as the closed beta test was first postponed then canceled altogether and the open beta test will start some time soon. Either way we will see and i will keep you posted.
until next time cya 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

not much to do

Like the title says I haven't had a lot of time till now to post anything or do any videos of DMO because I was camping this Friday-Saturday. So sorry to those who are part of the guild DigiStorm. and i will be on tonight again for all those of you who view my blog or YouTube channel.
until next time cya ^_^

Thursday, July 21, 2011

new digimon psp game

Now i know this is offf topic from DMO but i thought i would share this with all you guys
have a look at this

Now this is what I am talking about
A very cool digimon game thats not for the ds
Instead its for the PSP and its called Digimon World Re: Digitize
and by the look of the screenshots its gonna be one heck of a game
I for one am looking forward to the game comming out in english
well until next time cya

screen shots taken from gematsu

EDIT: the release date is unknown exactly but it will be next year in 2012 according to the official site and it will have some connectivity with either WiFi of ad-hoc and the players will range from 1-4

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hi all! Today i am gonna show a screen shot of a really cool Digimon in KDMO
here it is

its a machinedramon and
someone had this digimon and it looked really cool so i took a screenshot of it
hope u guys like it!!
BTW that's not my digimon it belongs to someone else.

19 More Days Till EDMO and a summery of my current activities on KDMO

yup you heard right! 19 more days and boy am I excited! in my KDMO account I have exactly 4 Digimon.
my starter Agumon nicknamed jot, Veemon, Biyomon, and a Palmon nicknamed tehno after the leader of the new guild I am a part of. I hear there will be a event at the CBT(Closed-beta test) of EDMO and people who have an account in good standing in DBO(Digimon Battle Online) will be guaranteed a spot in EDMO or so I hear. well we will see.
until next time cya!!

EDIT: here is the facebook page with the FAQ about EDMO
check it out when u have time.